Scan-Pile ApS

Peter Dalgaard
Technical Sales Engineer
Peter Dalgaard is the Technical Sales Engineer of the company Scan-Pile located in Kolding, Denmark.
More about Peter
Peter is responsible for the technical supervision and sales of Scan-Pile’s range of products for the concrete industry. This product range includes both our own production as well as international products of high quality.
Peter has extensive experience within the business from his latest jobs at Biovac Danmark A/S and KD Maskinfabrik A/S.

Sandra P. Pedersen
Technical Designer
Sandra P. Pedersen is the Technical Designer of the company Scan-Pile located in Kolding, Denmark.
More about Sandra
Sandra is tasked with technical design and guiding our customers through our product range offered to the concrete industry. This product range includes both our own production as well as internationally designed and produced products of high quality.
Sandra does specialist work in the drafting system 3D Inventor. For the past 10 years, she worked in a corresponding role at KD Maskinfabrik A/S.